

Burnout syndrome

バーンアウト(burn out)とも言う。熱心にがんばってきたのに、十分な満足感や達成感が得られなくてそのストレス(stress)で心身が必要以上に疲労することによって引き起こされる症状のこと。無気力感などの精神的な症状、不眠や頭痛などの身体症状が現れる。

This is also called ‘burn out’. It is a syndrome caused because one becomes physically and mentally tired to a more-than-necessary degree. This is due to the stress caused by not being able to get enough satisfaction and/or a sense of achievement, even though one has worked hard. Mental symptoms such as lethargy and physical symptoms such as insomnia and/or headaches appear.