

Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

障害者の人権(human rights)保障に関する初めての国際条約。合理的配慮を重視している。2006年に国連総会(United Nations General Assembly)で決まった。日本は2014年に批准し、条約に合わせるために、国内の法整備が進められた。スローガン(slogan)「われわれのことを我々抜きで勝手に決めるな!」

The first international treaty in relation to protecting the human rights of people with disabilities. It places importance on rational consideration. It was decided at the United Nations General Assembly in 2006. Japan ratified it in 2014, and developed domestic legislation  in order to match what was stated in the convention. The slogan was, “Don’t make decisions for us by yourselves without including us!”