

Multidisciplinary cooperation

利用者を支えるとき、異なった分野の専門職が、共有した目標に向けて一緒に働くことをいう。高齢者を対象にした場合、多職種とは、介護支援専門員、医師、看護職、リハビリテーション(rehabilitation)専門職、医療ソーシャルワーカー(medical social worker)、地域包括支援センター(community general support center, Community General Support Center)や社会福祉機関の職員があげられる。

This means that when supporting clients, professionals from different fields work together toward a shared goal. In the case where the elderly are subjects, the multidisciplinary fields of work are care support specialists, doctors, nurses, rehabilitation specialists, medical social workers, and community general support center, and staff of social welfare institutions.