Certified Social Worker
社会福祉士及び介護福祉士法による国家試験に合格して、厚生労働大臣から認められた人で、社会福祉の専門的な知識や技術をもつ専門職である。福祉に関する相談に乗り、必要に応じて関係機関との連絡調整などの援助を行う。主な対象者は、身体や精神的な障害がある人、環境上の理由から日常生活を送ることが難しい人である。ソーシャルワーカー(Social Worker)とも呼ばれる。
This refers to specialists with specialized knowledge and skills of social welfare who have passed the national exams under the Certified Social Worker and Certified Care Worker Act, and were approved by the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare. They take consultations on welfare and provide support in contacting and coordinating with relevant organizations when necessary. The main people (to be served by them)* are those who have physical and/or mental disabilities and who have difficulty in living their daily lives because of environmental reasons. Certified social workers are also called social workers.