

Pseudomonas aeruginosa

人の腸内や自然の中のいろいろな場所にいて、栄養が少ないところでも増えることができるため、水回りによく発生する菌のこと。免疫力(immunity / immune system resistance to illness)が低下している人に感染し、呼吸器(Respiratory tract)感染症(infectious disease)・尿路感染症(Urinary tract infection)・敗血症(Sepsis)などを起こす。

These are germs that live in people’s intestines and in many places in nature. Because they can even multiply in places that have low nutrition, they often occur around areas that use water (for example, a kitchen sink, a washbasin, etc.). They infect people with lowered immunity, and cause infectious respiratory tract diseases, urinary tract infections, sepsis, and so on.