

The Beveridge Report (on social insurance and allied services)

第二次世界大戦後のイギリスの社会保障の基礎となったもの。「窮乏(貧しい)」「疾病」「無知(知識がない) 」「不潔」「無為(何もしない)」の5つの悪に対して、国がすべての国民の最低限度(一番低い基礎的なレベル)の生活を保障する社会保障の体制を考えた。

The basis of what became social security in England after World War 2. The government thought about setting up the social security system in order to guarantee the minimum standards (the lowest basic level) of living for all citizens in regard to the 5 ‘evils’ of ‘poverty’, ‘disease’, ‘ignorance’(no knowledge), ‘uncleanliness’ and ‘idleness’(not doing anything).